
We love a good chat with non-customers and customers alike. Therefore, we participate in various events and arrange webinars.

Here, you can see upcoming events that we will be a part of and webinars that we are hosting. If the event calendar is empty, do not despair. We would love to hear from you anyway.

So please feel free to reach out, if you have any questions regarding our solutions. We would be happy to serve you a cup of coffee in Herlev or come by your offices.

Meet us at Sweden's largest conference for public sector digitalization. Together with the municipalicy of Happaranda we will talk about how they have worked optimized their GRC activities.
Meet us at Sweden's largest conference for public sector digitalization. Together with the municipalicy of Happaranda we will talk about how they have worked optimized their GRC activities.
At this conference we will provide insights together with Plesner, BDO, and Energinet on how a strategic approach to governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) can future-proof and strengthen your organization.
We are excited to invite our valued customers to a webinar where we will introduce the latest features and updates in RISMA10. As a customer, you have already received an invitation by email.