All solutions

Ensure all regulatory requirements are met effectively without the need for endless manual labor.

Get an overview of CSRD and break down the complexity with an implementation and governance framework.

Achieve NIS2 compliance with a solution designed to integrate with the ISO 27001 framework.

Transform EBA and EIOPA's guidelines into a guided process and maintain an overview of tasks, assessments, and processes.
Achieve DORA compliance with a solution that helps structure your efforts.

Manage contracts with ICT third-party service providers and build the Register of Information required by DORA

Facilitate the transition to a sustainable future by providing an overview, managing initiatives, and ensuring proper documentation.

Ensure NSIS compliance by establishing a complete overview, identifying risks, and implementing action plans.

Get control of supplier data and documentation for the Norwegian Transparency Act report with a structured due diligence process.

Achieve control and transparency to ensure compliance and prevent bribery and corruption.

Protect the business with a structured approach to anti-money laundering efforts and the KYC process.
Enhance your company's cybersecurity with oversight, control, and documentation through CIS18 compliance.

Gain an overview and an action plan to achieve ISMS compliance and optimize your information security.

Create a solid foundation for quality management focusing on the maintenance and development of processes.

Ensure compliance with ISO 14001 by identifying standard fulfillment, facilitating GAP analysis, and implementing action plans.

Gain control over workplace health and safety by identifying risks and improving occupational safety and conditions.

Eliminate manual and time-consuming audit and control procedures to achieve more in less time.

Maximize the value of your contracts and give yourself the best starting point in a negotiation situation.

Define, assess, and analyze your risks to make informed decisions and strengthen your organization.

Strengthen your incident management with streamlined reporting, effective action, and follow-up for all types of incidents.

Streamline your policies, processes, and procedures with a structured oversight, ownership, responsibility, and ongoing visibility.